Why you should be hiring WARRIORS

28 Dec '22

The last quarter of 2022 was a true test of the fragility of a company. As soon as times got tough, some people got laid off, other people jumped ship, features got pushed, bugs were not fixed, products were not delivered.

Here's the takeaway:

The times where people over engineer services in silos are over.
The times where people spent multiple quarters on research and development are over.
The times where overemployed workers were just coasting around doing the bare minimum to keep the job are over.

If you want your business to bounce back in 2023 stronger than ever you need STRONG TALENT that WORKS FAST!
Every single person working on you business should have DAILY IMPACT and not be wasting time on endless zoom calls.

Get someone that can make a difference TODAY. Get someone who you trust to make HARD decisions. Get someone better than you and who you can LEARN from.

If you want to COMPETE, you need COMPETENCE!

Focus on hiring WARRIORS first and foremost! The people that will bleed for their team and their product, just because they love them.

Warriors that can push the business essential features that no one else can.
Warriors that can build the RIGHT solution to service your customer's NEEDS.
Warriors that will get your SaaS up and running faster than other companies settle on requirements.
Warriors that work so hard on their results that the sale just becomes a ceremony.

I'm not a developer. I'm not an engineer. I'M A WARRIOR.

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