10 Lessons from 10 years of Web Development

17 Feb '23

πŸ”₯ I've been actively learning and working with Web Development for over 10 years.

πŸ’‘ Here are ten lessons for someone just starting out:

1. Understand how the Web works End-to-End

As you learn and work on your end, you should also be learning how everything fits as a whole. Aim to be able to build an entire system from end to end.

2. Do not half stack

Building on top of the first lesson, going full-stack on your personal projects will force you to learn everything you need.

3. Master a single Framework

After learning the basics and exploring different technologies, it's time to pick a single framework and start being productive. The right framework for you is the one where you can prototype the fastest.

4. Start a project

The single most important lesson is to get your hands dirty and start working on a project right away and apply what you are learning. A simple to-do app or a personal website are always great options.

5. Pick a couple of mentors, and listen only to them

These can be people that you know or even just a couple of YouTube videos. Make sure the package has all the knowledge you need to finish the project and follow those guidelines without distractions.

6. Build in public

Make sure to work on a public repo and talk about the challenges that you've faced, and the solutions you employed. No one is going to judge your code (it's not that bad), and no one is going to steal your idea (it's not that good).

7. Write documentation for yourself

The second most important lesson is to document every critical task and operation, even the simple ones. Especially the simple ones. Having cheat sheets and templates for everything you do is a life hack.

8. Look for 3rd party resources

Every single error, problem, mistake, or pitfall that you'll encounter as a beginner has already been solved by someone else online. There are also many 3rd party libraries full of features for you to enrich your app. Do not waste time reinventing the wheel.

9. Always have a production-ready boilerplate

Never miss an opportunity because you didn't have a boilerplate ready to work on top of.

10. Share your journey

There are new people learning Web Development every single day, and the best way to stay consistent is to be around other people who are on the same path as you. Share your projects, notes, and docs. Contribute to each other's GitHub. Become part of a community that can support you all the way through.

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